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Taskpaper – Plain Text To Do Lists 3 7 4

  1. Taskpaper – Plain Text To Do Lists 3 7 4th Grade
  2. Taskpaper – Plain Text To Do Lists 3 7 42

TaskPaper 3.8.10 – Feb 13, 2020 Download

Put these things together to make lists: Groceries: - Eggs - Lettuce - Milk @priority(1) Type your lists in this simple plain text format, and TaskPaper makes them look nice. TaskPaper doesn't force a particular system on you; it provides basic list making elements for you to use as you see fit. Make lists and get organized. TaskPaper is a plain text to-do list that’s surprisingly adept. Thoroughly modernized. TaskPaper 3 is all new, while still retaining the same plain text design that’s been getting things done since 2006. TaskPaper 3.8.6 Make lists and get organized. TaskPaper is a plain text to-do list that’s surprisingly adept. Buy now and start getting things done! Text editor with outlining power. TaskPaper feels like a plain text editor, but it is backed by a powerful outliner. Feb 10, 2020 Make lists and get organized. TaskPaper is a plain text to-do.

  • Fixed crash on start that was effecting some users
  • Changed to standard drag and drop behavior unless dragging items

TaskPaper 3.8.8 – Feb 8, 2020 Download

  • Fixed Tag > Remove Tags command
  • Fixed Tag > Tag With… to not include values
  • Fixed Edit > Insert Date “now” to use minutes instead of milliseconds resolution
  • Added TaskPaper preference allowing sidebar size to follow System Preferences > General > Sidebar Icon Size setting

TaskPaper 3.8.6 – Jun 13, 2019 Download

  • Fixed sidebar to display tag value lists such as @priority(1, 2, 3)
  • Fixed crash when tag name matched another tag-value name. For example @a(a) and @a-a

TaskPaper 3.8.5 – May 5, 2019 Download

  • TaskPaper is now notarized by Apple to increase security
  • Fixed tab titles to include focused project name (requres macOS 10.13 or later)
  • Removed debugger statement from javascript code
  • Updated to Swift 5

TaskPaper 3.8.4 – Feb 5, 2019 Download

  • Tag values in sidebar are ordered by name
  • Replace all is now stored under single undo grouping
  • Should no longer be asked for keychain password when updating

TaskPaper 3.8.3 – Jan 9, 2019 Download

  • Fixed incorrect search when selecting tag value in sidebar
  • Fixed invalid searches when clicking on tag values that include search syntax by quoting all values

TaskPaper 3.8.2 – Nov 15, 2018 Download

  • Updated licensing framework
  • Fixed crash that could happen when archiving items
  • Fixed bug where some stylesheet attributes were not applied to editor
  • Fixed performance bug the caused long delay when using accessibly API in long documents
  • Fixed case where empty line leading tab indentation was lost when document saved and reloaded

TaskPaper 3.8.1 – Oct 1, 2018 Download

  • Fix bug where it wasn’t possible to drag file links into TaskPaper document.

TaskPaper 3.8 – Sep 19, 2018 Download

  • Added support for macOS Mojave
  • Added option to “Import Reminder Copies”
  • Added dark mode support to TaskPaper stylesheets
  • Fixed sorting of Window > Stylesheet list
  • Fixed text blurriness that could occur when focus-in and focus-out
  • Fixed bug where option-click on item handle would focus wrong item

TaskPaper 3.7.7 – Jul 1, 2018 Download

  • Added View > Show Sidebar And Expand Completely
  • Fixes print margins to be smaller
  • Fixes “sentence” command spelling
  • Fixes crash that could occur when using ancestor-or-self:: in search
  • Fixes undo bug where undoing moves might put items at wrong indentation

TaskPaper 3.7.6 – Nov 21, 2017 Download

  • Adds support for tag value lists.

TaskPaper allows you to create tags by typing @ followed by a tag name. You can also include an optional value after the tag like this: @mytag(my value).

The new feature is that TaskPaper now understands lists of comma separated values. For example you can now type @job(jack,jane) and TaskPaper understands that there’s a list of values associated with the tag. When you click on “jack” your lists will be filtered to show all tasks where “jack” is listed on the job.

TaskPaper 3.7.5 – Nov 10, 2017 Download

  • Added warning that imported reminders are removed from
  • Added warning when trying to work with without access granted
  • Fixed keyboard focus problem when closing searchbar
  • Fixed problems styling and updating searchbar

TaskPaper 3.7.4 – Aug 14, 2017 Download

  • Added TaskPaper > Recover License to direct download version
  • Fixes crash that could occure when placing cursor in empty line

TaskPaper 3.7.3 – Jun 8, 2017 Download

  • Fixes copying of last item in a filtered view
  • Fixes comparing against empty string (“”) in search syntax

TaskPaper 3.7.2 – May 11, 2017 Download

  • Fixes crash that could happen when opening new documents.

TaskPaper 3.7.1 – Apr 28, 2017 Download

  • Fixes a auto-save bug where changes in last line of text might not save.

TaskPaper 3.7 – Apr 27, 2017 Download

TaskPaper 3.7 improves how filtered items work in two ways:

  1. Filtered items are now selected only when a visible ancestor item is also selected.
  2. It’s now easier to see when you’ve selected filtered items so you don’t accidentally delete them.

Also this release:

  • Remembers and restores which outline items are expanded in sidebar
  • Fixed crash when pasting text that contained non “n” newline characters
  • Fixed crash when option (to create copy) dragging items from one document to another

TaskPaper 3.6.2 – Jan 23, 2017 Download

  • Item > Move to Project no longer moves the selection along with the moved project
  • When moving items in a filtered view don’t reveal hidden items when performing the move
  • Fixed Pasting page break character no longer crashes TaskPaper
  • Fixed Clicking file links in Mac App Store version new reveals files in Finder
  • Fixed Edit > Selection > Select Sentence to not select the trailing newline after the sentence
  • Fixed unwanted scrolling that could occur when (Shift-Tab) moving items to the left
  • Fixed no longer autocomplete when inserting @ within existing words

TaskPaper 3.6.1 – Jan 18, 2017 Download

  • Better detection (and distinction) between click and drag on item handles
  • Changed to only show projects in sidebar when all ancestors items are also projects
  • Changed DateTime formatting term “week” to refer to ISO week (starts on Monday instead of Sunday)
  • Fixed Tag > Tag With to only add leading space before added tag when needed
  • Fixed broken File > Revert To > Browse All Versions views
  • Fixed poor performance on new MacBooks with Touch Bar
  • Fixed crash when importing reminders with newlines in titles
  • Fixed crash when loading malformed stylesheet
Taskpaper – plain text to do lists 3 7 4th grade

TaskPaper 3.6 – Nov 15, 2016 Download

Reminders: Quickly import items from (or export to) Create reminders on the go with Siri then move them into TaskPaper at your Mac. Or export TaskPaper items to Reminders on your Phone.

Palettes: Create new items or select multiple items from the standard palette UI. Drama 2 0 6 inches. Use Edit > Tag With… to apply multiple tags at once. Use Item > Move to Project… to both create a new project and move items to it in a single step.

  • Added Edit > Insert Date…
  • Added File > Import Reminders… to import from
  • Added Item > Export to Reminders… to export items to
  • Tag > Tag With… prompts for date when tagging with @due and @start
  • Edit > Find commands now work when sidebar has focus, redirecting focus to editor
  • Removed category text for each command when showing command palette
  • Maintain focus item and search when open TaskPaper file is modified by another app
  • Removed unused font, color, orientation items from editor context menu
  • Fixed iCloud Drive to include TaskPaper folder
  • Fixed Refresh of “Hoisted” item search works correctly
  • Fixed Date parsing to support ISO week and day formats like 2016-W51-4
  • Fixed top-padding-percent stylesheet attribute
  • Fixed scrollbar jumping in cases involving wrapped lines
  • Fixed search case where union, intersect, and except caused problems
  • Fixed problem in palettes where filtering could place items in wrong group

TaskPaper 3.5.1 – Oct 13, 2016 Download

  • Fixed Bug in 2-Set Korean input method
  • Fixed Crash when editing stylesheet in VIM
  • Fixed Crash when archiving first visible item
  • Fixed Add checkmark to View > Show Sidebar when it’s visible
  • Fixed Item > Move to Project to insert item at start of project’s items

TaskPaper 3.5 – Oct 11, 2016 Download

Due to changes in TaskPaper’s bundle identifier TaskPaper 3.5 cannot auto-update itself. You will need to download again directly from using the following link. This is a free update, just re-enter your existing license key if prompted.


  • New Icon, thanks @sdw!
  • New Code, rewrote native layer in Swift 3
  • New Requirements, now requires OS X 10.11 or later


  • Added Projects, Searches, and Tags sections
  • Ability to Show/Hide sidebar sections
  • Ability to Expand/Collapse Individual Projects
  • Double-click on project in sidebar to “hoist”, show only it’s descendants
  • Tags configuration file, allowing you to choose tags shown/hidden in the sidebar
  • Searches configuration file, allowing you to choose searches shown in the sidebar
  • Context menu (and main menu) items for creating, editing, and deleting saved searches
  • Saved searches may be embedded in current document, or saved separately


  • Larger, can more easily display complex searches
  • Only shows when active (preference to change this behavior)
  • Attention getting, you should never miss the fact that a search is active (changeable in stylesheet)
  • Much faster search results in large documents with complex search logic


  • New Palettes UI, faster keyboard navigation
  • Replaced “Go to” popup menu’s with new palette UI
  • Added “Go to Anything” Palette
  • Added “Command palette” with ability to add your own script commands
  • Changed keyboard shortcuts so all palettes use a form of Command-P


  • Ability to open multiple windows (or tabs on macOS 10.12) on a single document
  • Added “Open in New Window” popup item for sidebar items
  • Added “Open in New Tab” popup item for sidebar items (macOS 10.12)
  • Reorganized menu items to better fit macOS 10.12’s “Show Tab Bar” item


  • Ability to switch between stylesheets
  • Each window can now have a different (Window > Style) style
  • Printing panel has it’s own separate stylesheet setting
  • Renamed display span stylesheet attribute to content
  • New options including text wrap and typewriter scrolling (see user’s guide for details)


  • Added Allow delete backward to un-indent items preference
  • Added Preference to maintain search when select project changes
  • Added Preference to maintain project when select search changes in sidebar
  • Added scripting API to get all OutlineEditors associated with a given outline
  • Removed “New Document” preferences (spelling, etc), those settings now apply to all documents
  • Changed direct download bundle ID to avoid conflicts with app store version
  • Direct download version recognizes App Store licenses (must run App Store version once first)
  • Improved folded state persistence in documents that are edited outside TaskPaper
  • Improved Drawing of split cursor text insertion point
  • Changed default font to system reported “user font”
  • Fixed file and icon associations

TaskPaper 3.3.2 – Jul 11, 2016 Download

  • Updated to work on macOS Sierra Beta
  • Disabled dragging the root item from the sidebar
  • Disabled dragging items into the outline view when it is empty
  • Fixed error when dragging into the sidebar when outline view is empty

Backgrounds 7 0. The release frequency has slowed as I’ve taken a step back to work on some larger changes.

First, I’ve just finished restructuring TaskPaper’s code so that I’m able to open source the model layer (see links below). This makes it possible for other scripters and developers to process TaskPaper files on macOS, iOS, and anywhere else where there’s JavaScript.

Second, I’m now in the process of updating the user interface code to use Apple’s new Swift programming language. This will put TaskPaper on a better foundation to keep up with whatever changes Apple brings in the future. It’s also giving/forcing me to look through every line of code and fix all the dumb stuff that I did! I’m still a ways from done, but I’m making good progress.

Open Source Model Layer:

TaskPaper 3.3.1 – May 25, 2016 Download

  • Clicking on task dash (to toggle @done) no longer scrolls to selected text

TaskPaper 3.3 – May 19, 2016 Download

Added Expand/Collapse Commands:

  • Added View > Expand Items
  • Added View > Collapse Items
  • Added View > Expand All By Level
  • Added View > Collapse All By Level

Hold down “Option” key for a “Completely” variant of each item.

Removed Redundant Commands:

  • Removed View > Fold
  • Removed Items > Indent
  • Removed Items > Un-Indent

Please use the explicit Expand/Collapse commands for folding. Use “Tab” and “Shift-Tab” instead of the Indent and Un-Indent menu items. I think any short term pain this causes will make TaskPaper a more nimble and focused app long term.

Improved Item Movement in Filtered Views:

  1. Moving items should never “capture” hidden items as children.
  2. No additional items should appear on screen when moving items.

Added New ”filtered” Item Handle State:

This state joins the existing “Expanded” and “Collapsed” states. Filtered state indicates that some children are visible and others are filtered out of the display. Click a filtered handle to expand it to show all children.

  1. Expanded – Dim empty circle
  2. Collapsed – Bright filed circle
  3. Filtered – Dim filled circle

Other Changes:

  • Improved alert messaging when opening invalid file links.
  • Fixed leading spaces from being removed from pasted text.
  • Fixed periodic broken “Tag With…” toolbar popup menu state.
  • Fix crash when inserting new item into empty document.
  • Maintain full line selection when move item to end of list.

Deltarune free download pc. Theme Additions:

  • Added filtered item attribute for themes to query.
  • Added handle-size item style property.
  • Added handle-border-color item style property.
  • Added handle-border-width item style property.

TaskPaper 3.2.1 – May 6, 2016 Download

  • Editor better maintains current scroll position when editing.
  • Pasting into end of focused project now inserts items correctly.
  • “Share Item” in toolbar is fixed to share the the selected text.
  • Don’t scroll to selection when performing drag and drop operations.
  • Include “More…” option in toolbar “Share Item” popup menu.
  • Fixed how leading spaces are converted into item indent levels.
  • Preview badge now includes version number and isn’t shown in notification style.
  • Archive Done command now includes all containing projects in @projects tag.
  • Use “TaskPaper Generic” file type to save without .taskpaper file extension.
  • Fixed problem where text caret would display in wrong position or not at all.
  • Search field text on OS X 10.10 no longer remains centered after clicking tag.
  • Return only autocompletes to formatted tasks when current line starts with - .
  • Delete last item then followed by Undo and then Redo no longer causes crash.
  • Selection now draws correctly behind paragraph break invisible characters.
  • Edit > Copy Displayed (Option-Command-C) works when last item is fully selected.

TaskPaper 3.2 – Apr 22, 2016 Download

  • Added header and footer printing options to print panel.
  • Track expanded/collapsed state in extended file attribute.
  • Edit > Copy Displayed (Option-Command-C) for only displayed items.
  • Added right margin padding to balance default left margin padding.
  • Escape in empty toolbar search field shows recent searches menu.
  • Control-Tab and Shift-Control-Tab now move focus of toolbar search field.
  • ShowPreviewBadge defaults key to hide “Prev” badge in TaskPaper’s preview version.
  • Tag autocompletions are now case insensitive.
  • Tag autocompletions only popup when editing at end of tag.
  • Move “Saved Searches” to top of toolbar search field popup.
  • Require that both ( and ) be escaped with when used in tag values.
  • Apply tag and similar commands only effect displayed items, not collapsed or filtered.
  • Hidden items with no visible ancestor are no longer effected by edits.
  • It’s now possible to fully select the last displayed item, so you can cut/copy its collapsed items.
  • Changed script debug process, see user guide “Creating Scripts” section.
  • Renamed theme ‘display’ text style attribute to ‘content’.
  • Items > Format As to work when item is a project with trailing tags.
  • Document name (instead of always “Untitled”) now displays in printed header.
  • Guide lines now draw for items with hidden parents but visible ancestors.
  • Escape in toolbar search field clears text without losing focus.

Scripting API

  • Outline.getOutlines()
  • OutlineEditor.getOutlineEditors()
  • OutlineEditor.getOutlineEditorForOutline(outline)
  • selection.selectedItems
  • selection.displayedSelectedItems
  • selection.displayedAncestorSelectedItems

TaskPaper 3.1 – Apr 1, 2016 Download

  • Added TaskPaper > Show License menu item.
  • Added Help > Email, FAQ and Release Notes items.
  • Added Hold down shift to drop items “on” other items.
  • Added Drag and drop projects in sidebar to reorder.
  • Added Saved searches to search field Recents menu.
  • Added Drop text, URLs, etc into sidebar.
  • Changed “Move to Project” to add at top of list.
  • Changed Drop on sidebar to add at top of list.
  • Changed Default theme to hide handles of empty items.
  • Changed Use document filename as label instead of “Home”.
  • Changed Don’t show saved search when search text is empty.
  • Changed Command-L (Go to Project…) to always use popup. Use Control-Shift-Tab for sidebar.
  • Changed Option-click on item handle now focuses item instead of only its children.
  • Changed Don’t show @ before tag names in menu items, so type to select works better.
  • Fixed (another) incorrect selection when using Option-Return.
  • Fixed Do nothing when drag and drop item to original location.
  • Fixed projects popup to removing trailing tags.
  • Fixed Strip trailing tags and : from Archive Done project name.
  • Fixed Printing to always print same view that you see (even when searching).

Theme Additions:

  • Added depth item attribute for themes to query:
  • Added paragraph-spacing-before item style property.
  • Added paragraph-spacing-after item style property.
  • Added guide-line-width editor style property.
  • Added item-handle-size editor style property.

Theme Additions Demo:

TaskPaper 3.0.1 – Mar 23, 2016 Download

  • Fixed Click on Home in the sidebar will now clear any active searches.
  • Fixed Delete will now scroll text caret to visible if it’s not already visible.
  • Fixed Incorrect text caret position when using Option-Return to create a new item.
  • Fixed Better maintain scroll position when editing the outline.
  • Fixed Crash when reloading a theme soon after closing a document.
  • Fixed Crash when loading a theme with syntax errors.
  • Fixed Single pixel wide sidebar on OS X 10.10.

TaskPaper 3 – Mar 16, 2016 Download

  • All new modernized app
  • Flexible and unique folding UI
  • More powerful outliner and text editor
  • Saved searches; one click away in sidebar
  • Relative date and time based searches
  • More powerful hierarchical searches
  • LESS/CSS powered themes
  • Extensive Javascript API


Download old and unsupported versions of TaskPaper.


Simple and pleasant note taking for SublimeText



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Simple and pleasant authoring and note taking for SublimeText.

With PlainNotes you can: - Organize notes and thoughts - Maintain todo-lists - Write documents - and probably more

PlainNotes stores and organizes all your notes in a folder and make themaccessible with a single shortcut or mouse click. It also provides you with anenhanced version of Markdown markup and some good looking color schemes fornote taking.It's been designed with these ground rules in mind: - Plain text is the holy grail - Plain text shouldn't be that plain - Simple and Sexy is Sublime

Note: Although PlainNotes works under SublimeText 2, some features mightnot be available. We're not actively testing it under SublimeText 2 but willdo our best to make it compatible and usable. We appreciate bug reports andpull requests.

Organizing notes

Most of PlainNotes commands are accessible from the SublimeText main menu. Youshould have a menu item called Notes right after Help. Although, there arefaster and easier ways of running those commnads that are mentioned below.

Starting a new note (super+F4)

  • Command palette: Open command palette and search for Notes: newcommand (typing nn will probably find it for you).

    • To save note in a subfolder of the root directory use /:'subfolder name'/'note name'.
  • Shortcut: By default pressing super+F4 will create a newnote. For customizing the shortcut see Keyboard Shortcuts section.

Opening an existing note (F4)

  • Command palette: Open command palette and search for Notes: List…command (typing nl will probably find it for you), the command will showthe Latest Notes quick panel from which you can select or search for yourfile.The Latest Notes quick panel is sorting files based on their last-edittime, so the note that you have been working on recently should be on top ofthe list.

  • Shortcut: By default pressing F4 will open theLatest Notes quick panel. For customizing the shortcut seeKeyboard Shortcuts section.

Jotter (F1)

Jotter will let you jot down your thoughts and ideas quickly withoutdisturbing your work-flow. It opens a Note Panel How to manage your passwords with macpass (keepass client for mac. at the bottom of the editorwhich is ready to take your note. When you press ESC itautomatically closes the panel and saves your note with a time stamp in yourInbox. Diamond game free.

It can be accessed by pressing F1 (that can be customized in yourKey-bindings if it conflicts with your other key-bindings) or throughNotes: Jotter in command palette.The default color scheme of the jotter panel can be customized in usersettings (Preferences -> Package Settings -> PlainNotes -> Settings - User):


Inbox is where all your quick notes from Jotter live. You can view inboxthrough Notes: Inbox in command palette or via the Notes main menu.The date and time format of the note headers in inbox can be customized in usersettings (Preferences -> Package Settings -> PlainNotes -> Settings - User):

Notes Index Card (ctrl+F4)

Pressing ctrl+F4 or selecting Notes: Index from the commandpalette will give you the Notes Index Card with the list of all notes sortedalphabetically.Pressing Enter on any note will open it in a new tab.

Change note color

Open command palette and search for Note: Change Color…. it will give you alist of 10 different colors that is shown in the above image. Pressing up anddown will give you a preview.Color of the note is remembered by PlainNotes and whenever you open that file,PlainNotes will set the color-scheme automatically.

Archive note

Open command palette and search for Note: Archive. This will move the noteinto an archive folder than can be specified in the settings – The defaultarchive directory is .archive. Archiving a note hides it from the Index andList.

Unarchive notes

Open command palette and search for Note: Unarchive.. This will open alist of archived notes sorted by modification date. Selecting one from thelist will unarchive that note.

Delete note

Open a note and then open command palette and search for Note: Delete.

Rename note

Taskpaper – Plain Text To Do Lists 3 7 4th Grade

Keep it 1 2. Open a note and then open command palette and search for Note: Rename.

Change note file extension

You can change the note file extension in settings. To do so, go toPreferences -> Package Settings -> PlainNotes -> Settings - User and modify'note_save_extension':. The default note type is .note which has thepossibility of setting different note colors and some special markup.Alternatively you can use any note extension you want such as markdown .md.

Add yaml front matter to notes

Go to Preferences -> Package Settings -> PlainNotes -> Settings - User andmodify 'enable_yaml'

By default, the following yaml items are added:“yamltitle:date:tags:

Other features

  • Open URLs: place cursor on the link then press enter to open a url inthe browser.
  • Preview images inline: place cursor on a markdown image with inline image url and press enter to a preview popup of that image. You should have ST 3070 or newer for this feature to work.

Per-project notes

To have a different notes directory for a project, add the following in your.sublime-project file:

Authoring notes

PlainNotes provides an enhanced version of Markdown. It means that you canwrite your notes in plain markdown without learning anything new. In addition,it gives you some extra markups to improve the look and feel of yourdocuments, since markdown sometime feels too simple to format a real document.

If you are new to markdown here is a cheat-sheet:

MarkupMarkdown Syntax
Italic_italic_ or *italic*
Bold__bold__ or **bold**
Images![Image Title](http://url_to.image)
Links[Link Text](http://link.url)
Inline Code`code`
Quotes> Here is a quote block
Separators---- or *****
Heading 1# Heading 1
Heading 2## Heading 2
Heading 3### Heading 3
Heading 4#### Heading 4

Extra Markup


When writing a note, you might need to distinguish a block or section bygiving it a special title and box. These sections might appear several timesin your document. Some examples would be Note, Tip or Caution blocks inan article.

Here is how to create an admonition block

Taskpaper – Plain Text To Do Lists 3 7 4

By default admonitions block have a purplish background color (that might bedifferent based on the color scheme), but giving it a specific type from tablebelow can change the color. Predefined admonition types are listed in tablebelow and are shown in image above. Note that admonition types can be lower-case, upper-case or title-case.

Taskpaper – Plain Text To Do Lists 3 7 42

Predefined Admonition TypeBlock Color
hint or tipbluish
warning or cautionyellowish
danger or errorreddish

Admonition blocks can have any PlainNotes enhanced markdown inside them andthey customize the look and feel so that everything looks sublime.


Copyright 2014-2015 Allen Bargi.Licensed under the MIT License

Taskpaper – Plain Text To Do Lists 3 7 4
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